Ellipse Frame

  1. Go to IM and make an xc white back 300x300

  2. Composite your 200x200 image: Center
    My image Here

  3. Click on draw: circle +25+25 +35+35 MyFill:#ffff00 Stroke:none

  4. Click on draw: circle +275+25 +265+35 MyFill:#ffff00 Stroke:none

  5. Click on draw: circle +275+275 +265+265 MyFill:#ffff00 Stroke:none

  6. Click on draw: circle +25+275 +35+265 MyFill:#ffff00 , Stroke:none

  7. Click on draw: ellipse +25+150 +10+115 +0+360 MyFill: #E98893 Stroke:none

  8. Click on draw: ellipse +275+150 +10+115 +0+360 MyFill: #E98893 Stroke:none

  9. Click on draw: ellipse +150+25 +115+10 +0+360 MyFill: #E98893 Stroke:none

  10. Click on draw: ellipse +150+275 +115+10 +0+360 MyFill: #E98893 Stroke:none

You can matte out the ellipses and fill them in this example:

Then matte the outside and you're done.
