Fencepoints Tag
- Make a white xc background 300x300
Best to find your image first and get your colors before you proceed.
- Now click draw choose Path and put these numbers in the box M0,0 25,25 0,50 25,75 0,100 25,125 0,150 25,175 0,200 25,225 0,250 25,275 0,300 fill-none; stroke-black....Click Effect
- Now click transform and flop...click effect
- Now click draw choose Path and put these numbers in the box M0,0 25,25 0,50 25,75 0,100 25,125 0,150 25,175 0,200 25,225 0,250 25,275 0,300; fill-none; stroke-black....Click Effect
Here's the result:
- Now click draw choose Path and put these numbers in the box the box; M25,25 275,25 275,275 25,275Z fill-none; stroke-black....Click Effect
- Now click draw choose Path and put these numbers in the box the box; M 50,50 250,50 250,250 50,250Z fill-none; stroke-black....Click Effect
Here's the result:
- Now paint your blocks with the colors in your image.
Here's the result:
- Now I matted out one color to form points
Here's the result:
You can stop here and go to Rotate and Composite..
- Now click draw choose Path and put these numbers in the box the box; M75,75 225,75 225,225 75,225Z fill-none; stroke-black....Click Effect
- Now paint your new frame with a color in your image.
Here's the result:
- Now click transform and rotate right....Click Effect
- Now composite your image center,over....Click Effect
- Annotate as you wish...output as a png or gif
Feel free to change the steps to your own liking...Put your own touch on it!!