I've Been Framed !!

The following table has a background,
cellspacing 5 and border 10.

This is the same table but with an inverted border.
All TD cells have their own bgcolor...
They may also have a background.

This is the same table but with only a bgcolor.

This is the same table inside four other tables...
all with inverted borders~(MSNTV Only)

This is the same table inside four other tables...
all with regular borders

This is the button used
to make this frame....
you may transload this and use it
or use one you already have.
You may also use a bar or
almost any graphic.

Picture Here

MSNTV only~~~~This frame is made with grad angles and gradcolors.....
Angles, colors and sizes can be
changed to give different effects.

This frame is made with grad angles and gradcolors.....
Angles, colors and sizes can be
changed to give different effects.


These are but a few ways Tables
can be used to frame something.
Put your creativity and imagination to work
and GET FRAMED !!!!!

Feel free to source the page
and use any of the codes....
