![Magician](trick.gif) | Tiny MagicK Toots
by Simply Sally
| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
All toots are for Image Magick.
In all cases, examples were made
using..Image Magick™,
Click + for Link
+ FrameSplit |
+ Who's Matte |
+ Img Bio |
+ Comp In |
+ Bezier |
+ Append |
+ Ellipse |
+ Plates |
+ Rotate |
+ Frame Grab |
+ Image Dot? |
+ Image Anatomy |
+ Rotate |
+ DexBacks |
+ Weavals | + Weavals2 |
+ ReColor |
+ PaintTrans |
+ Ani Update |
+ Make A Mask |
+ Back Be Gone |
+ Icon Frame |
+ Pixelate Frame |
+ Motion Blur |
+ Jumpy Resize |
+ Highlight |
+ Using RGB |
+ Ellipse Frame |
+ Draw A Chick |
+ Sig Tag Tutes |
+ Frame Innerds |
+ SOON |
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